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Old 03-30-2010, 02:02 PM   #16
wade moore
Join Date: May 2001
Location: williamsburg, va
I Googled "munich woman killed pets cat"

Death in "Munich"

There is one killing in the movie which appears to have invaded from a completely different and much sicker movie. A beautiful female operative sets a "honey trap" for Avner, which he evades, but she nets an older member of the team, who is murdered in her hotel room. (We are not informed whether she killed the man herself or simply lured him to his death.) The team tracks her down to a houseboat in Holland, where they find her reading a book in her nightgown. Her first reaction when a stranger appears on her boat is not fear or anger, but a look of pure sexual hunger. A moment later, when she realizes that it is the Israeli team here to kill her, she begins calmly bargaining for her life: You already know how good I am, you should hire me. She exposes her beautiful breasts and asks: Why waste all this talent? (We see her ineffectively groping for a gun in a drawer while she talks, but she never finds it.) The team shoot her twice in the chest, with strange one-shot guns they have assembled from bicycle pumps (Spielberg loves his gadgets). She walks calmly across the room, her nightgown still hanging open, pets her cat, sits down in a chair and starts to die. A third member of the team then uses his own bicycle-pump-gun to shoot her in the head. Avner tries to close her nightgown, and another member of the team angrily makes him leave it open.
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Originally Posted by Subby
Maybe I am just getting old though, but I am learning to not let perfect be the enemy of the very good...
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