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Old 03-29-2010, 11:51 PM   #5
Marc Vaughan
SI Games
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Melbourne, FL
I've had repeated problems with credit cards since I relocated to florida; according to the people I've dealt with in the bank its fairly common for crooks to put machines on gas pump pay points to capture your card details and then reuse them.

Unfortunately the banks I've been involved with (Wamu & Wachovia) will freely admit that they don't prosecute the criminals for these acts, I know as I've tried to persuade them that I'd like them to and would be willing to help in any way possible .... tbh if the criminals know they won't ever get prosecuted for the offense then theres very little to discourage them imho.

PS - The problems I've had haven't been with individuals its been malicious companies which make fake charges to the cards - such as "PURCHASE MVQ*TWENTY4PROPLUS"; if you google on them they appear to be a company which exists to falsely charge credit cards ... but the banks refuse to prosecute them or indeed simply block them from charging my accounts repeatedly .... grrr, I have (so far) got all the money charged refunded but the hassle factor is considerable.
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