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Old 03-29-2010, 11:09 PM   #1
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Amarillo, TX
In Which Vengeance is Contemplated

So my wife's credit card # got stolen and unauthorized purchases started showing up on the bill. We noticed a $30 charge from an Internet outlet we'd never done business with, and after I checked her previous statement, we saw a $165 charge to the same company, with another $30 charge that hadn't hit our statement yet. We called the bank, disputed the charge, and the fraud department called us back to let us know that there had been almost $10,000 charged to the card in a three day period that the CC company had denied.

So here's the thing. I just got in a set of documents that the Internet company claim were the purchase order for the items that made it onto our statement. The bill to and ship to address are to the same guy, who lives in Miami, Florida. I was able to find the guy on Facebook and LinkedIn, and I'm fairly certain it's him...especially since he shows off an item that I believe to be the fraudulent purchase ON HIS FACEBOOK PAGE. Apparently he's really getting rock hard abs from his new diet regimen.

So is the CC company, who sent me the information, going to go after this guy once we sign the affidavit that we didn't authorize the purchase? Do WE need to decide to call a lawyer/attorney general? Apparently this guy had to put in the CC# each time he charged something to the card, and needed the CVV each time, so I doubt that he's going to be able to claim a typo or anything. Or is the guy pretty much going to skate? Does anybody know a Colombian drug lord? Or a former espionage agent who has been burned by his country? I'm not picky about who takes this guy out.

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