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Old 03-28-2010, 09:09 AM   #2
Join Date: Mar 2008
So i got some answers, to the first two.

1) 1200kbps.

2) nope.

But now, WWE webcast crecitcard authentication is having some issues, heres a quote from a mail they sent:


Sorry for the inconvenience caused due to this, currently due to technical difficulties all international customer are unable to purchase through there credit cards. We are working on it, I request you to please try purchasing the PPV later. We greatly appreciate your patience in this matter.

WWE PPV Webcast Support
[email protected]

So, in a later mail, they said they're on it. But we planned a gettogether for this event, and now im scared we wont be able to see it.

If ANYone would be so kind as to order the ppv with a US creditcard for me (there's a gifting option on the site), i'll put 5$ extra for the trouble, and i will send the cash first, so no risk.

You'd be making a couple of people very happy, and you can never have enough good karma, right?

Im on MSN messenger right now, and will be on [mika ( a ) falcons (dot) fi], or you can catch me here with a PM.

Thanks to anyone.
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