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Old 03-26-2010, 05:26 PM   #1351
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2009
Originally Posted by Lathum View Post
Well that is what I was expressing to Saldana, now that I get you it's all good.

Funny you should mention it, I've actually TRIED to be quiet in this thread to not give myself too much suspicion but it just doesn't work. I enjoy trying to analyze the posts and votes as well as cracking jokes too much to shut up.

And I think pretty much every post I make there's some sort of joke or satire or sarcasm in it. (No, really????) Within this game I indeed have noticed that can get dangerous as people have often said "I just can't read him". HOwever, one benefit it has is that since there is suspicion on me because of it, the wolves often leave me alone at night. Granted that isn't always true but I do find myself as a target frequently. And then of course that gets me stressed and I start talking and rambling and getting more defensive until my head blows up.....*BOOM*
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