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Old 03-26-2010, 03:49 PM   #1
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: the yo'
Anyone else really sick?

I tell yah, I haven't felt this bad maybe ever

Monday-I feel pretty bad, think it's just a bad reaction to an extremely greasy papa johns pizza(this kind of stuff doesn't sit well with me)

Tuesday-Feel okay in the morning. By late afternoon I am in a major GI funk, and really feel like I'm burning up. Tuesday night I sweat so much I have to wash the sheets cause you can just tell they weigh like a couple pounds extra

Wednesday-feel better by early afternoon. By the end of the night, though, I don't feel great anymore. I really want to vomit, but I don't have anything in my stomache.

Thursday-A nurse friend I know temps me at 102.5. Apparently I recognized i was hot, but obviously 102+ is rediculous. I start pounding tylenol

Today-wake up really early(630) and run some stuff to erie. I feel okay, just obviously not 100% yet.

So i think I'm like out of the woods finally, hopefully anyways. Essentially I've subsisted off of G2 and water the last 48 hours, as the concept of any food makes me want to vomit. I did have a bagel last night, which was calm.

I guess I'd have gone to the doctor on Tuesday or Wednesday, but I kept waking up and feeling noticeably better.

Last edited by stevew : 03-26-2010 at 03:49 PM.
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