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Old 03-26-2010, 02:23 PM   #47
College Prospect
Join Date: Oct 2001
Ya I see your point flere... you can't stop oppression from afar. I do think it would become a bit more difficult for them though, and given that a part of keeping the people down is keeping them in awe of your power (as well as fear)... its hard to do that with no buildings and no equipment in plain sight. Still it ain't gonna be a happy time just because we blow up some gear, I agree.

I'd be content to just minimize their firepower aimed towards South Korea. Particularly anything that can project long distances (missiles/artillery) and anything mobile. The goal would be to keep them bottled in North Korea long enough to get enough defensive troops in position to head off a ground invasion.... which I'm legitimately scared they could beat us to the punch.


As for why we are not in a war with them, I agree on pretty much all of your points. This entire line of thought deals with what happens if NK starts the damage first (and perhaps, whether NK ever explodes a nuke on a target). My assumption is that the line will be crossed and SK, Japan, and even China will be requesting immediate assistance.
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