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Old 03-26-2010, 11:49 AM   #20
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Originally Posted by SportsDino View Post
If North Korea was stupid enough to launch a nuke on South Korea, I think what would happen is our nukes go on a hair trigger, and all the countries around North Korea will back off and say 'just don't go in our backyard'.

Then we would launch a conventional war ass kicking to level their military capacity. If there is anything you can say about the US the ability to rapidly knock out and destroy military hardware is unmatched. Where we have quagmires is where we try to occupy territory, no army except a very brutal one is equipped for that.

I doubt there would be a nuclear response to North Korea other than to stop an eminent threat of further nuclear attack. In either case the American public would be a non-factor. The reaction time required is so miniscule that anything that launches our nukes the public wouldn't have even been aware something happened in South Korea before North Korea would become a radioactive wasteland. The public ego factor is a non-issue... if there is any duration of time long enough for the American public to express an opinion on it what we will end up with is a conventional war in North Korea.

A conventional air and navy airbased attack would not have as much effect as you would think unfortunate the NKs have been burrowing under ground for the last 60 years and they could literally take there entire society(what there is of it) deep,deep under the mountains. Maybe the newer weapons we have for cutting into bedrock and mountains may get to stuff but I do not think that is at all expected.
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