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Old 03-26-2010, 06:53 AM   #44
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: PDX
Originally Posted by lighthousekeeper View Post
the current medical marijuana laws seem like the most fucked up laws i ever heard of. instead of just legalizing it completely, allowing it only for medical purposes just breeds so much dishonesty/fraud/lying (or some other similar term). doctors are borderline committing fraud for writing scripts so freely, drug users are dishonest (either to themselves or others) by claiming "chronic pain" in order to get pot.

Even as a pretty regular marijuana user, and someone with an MMJ card, I agree with you about the disingenuous nature of MMJ laws. I imagine the states actually prefer it that way, as it may be easier to segregate and regulate when it's all under the auspices of medicine, rather than just being sold at the corner store. Likewise, it probably makes it a lot easier to repeal, should public or political favor turn, by deciding that marijuana doesn't have any medicinal value, which would likely be a lot easier than repealing any law that made it legal and widely available without reason. A lot of MMJ lobbyists obviously just like the system because it sounds a lot more sympathetic than "we wanna smoke weed".

On the other hand, the TV is jam packed with ads for prescription drugs that I apparently NEED to take for thicker fuller eyelashes, pills to counter the depression created by my anti-depression pills, and medicare-approved penis pumps. Considering the amount of carny-like hustling that goes on in the name of medicine these days, it's difficult to come down too hard on the world of MMJ.
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