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Old 03-26-2010, 06:32 AM   #42
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: PDX
Originally Posted by NorvTurnerOverdrive View Post
that's a really good question. i don't know how it's going to be regulated but if we're just talking about thc delivery they already make pot soda, lollipops, breath strips, etc. who would want to damage their respiratory system when you can just pop a breath mint.

The main reason to smoke remains that it gets delivered to your system immediately. Ingesting THC can take around 30 minutes to feel the effects, and it's a lot harder to regulate. Another option that is picking up popularity is vaporizing, which claims to reduce tar and carcinogens by heating the weed up to a point that the THC vaporizes without actually lighting it on fire, so you're inhaling vapor rather than smoke. (I've got one of these: hxxp:// But vaporising typically takes a little more time and effort, both to set-up and to be effective, so even though it's the least 'graceful' option, smoking will likely always remain the most popular way to consume THC, just because it remains the quickest, simplest, cheapest and most effective.

Last edited by thesloppy : 03-26-2010 at 06:34 AM.
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