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Old 03-26-2010, 03:08 AM   #40
High School Varsity
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Budapest
I'm much more interested in what kind of industry its going to become rather than the legal implications. In the Netherlands, you still don't have any kind of branding as far as I can tell. It's more like ordering a chocolate shake rather than Pepsi vs Coke. "yes, I'd like a gram of skunk, please" rather than "give me a pack of Red Apples."

I'm actually expecting a paradigm more like alcohol than tobacco, where you've got the big producers, whose stuff you can get anywhere, versus the boutique growers who are like the micro-brewers.

It will also be interesting to see if some of the fringe delivery technologies become more popular as people no longer need to hide their paraphernalia. It could be that smoking out of a pipe or a bong becomes as rare as it is for tobacco, something like going to a Turkish restaurant and having the waiter bring the hooka at the end of the meal. I could also imagine that smoking it at all becomes rare, especially if the price drops the way it should.

One thing I would like to add, though, is that pirated cigarettes are a growing problem in Europe, where taxes are so high on tobacco, so it's not a done deal that taxing dope will solve all financial woes, especially in a country where home growers have so much experience.
What the hell is Mike Brown diagramming for them during timeouts? Is he like the guy from "Memento" or something? Guys, I just thought of something … what if we ran a high screen for LeBron?
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