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Old 03-25-2010, 12:21 PM   #11
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: North Carolina
I can see state legalization as a move toward eventual federal legalization.

But folks are right that as long as the fed has criminalized the stuff, it is still illegal.

The feds are not knocking down people's doors b/c President Obama and AG Holder have decided not to prosecute for marijuana where it is legal under state law. But that can change overnight.

And, in case there was any doubt, the Supreme Court recently clarified that the federal government has power to prosecution possession of marijuana that has never crossed a state line and is legal under state law: Gonzales v. Raich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And I certainly would not want to be running a "legal" marijuana shop in CA for five years and have the feds come in one day and bust me for five years worth of distribution, using my own records as exhibit A against me when calculating the amount.
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