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Old 03-24-2010, 11:58 AM   #1
wade moore
Join Date: May 2001
Location: williamsburg, va
Google Maps Game - The Ten-A-Day Version

This game is a spin-off of the Google Maps Game. Thanks to MJ4H for bringing it to FOFC. Solecismic put out the idea of a Ten-A-Day version, Shkspr added some ideas, and I took off and ran with it.

So we have:

Google Maps Game - The Ten-A-Day Version

The rules:

1. Poster posts 10 Google maps images.
2. The 10 images will have some sort of "theme" that ties them all together.
3. They will be from locations with identifiable landmarks. They can be obscure, but not to the point that there is no identifiable landmark (i.e. we don't want some random house on some random street). Variety is encouraged.
4. Contestants have 24 hours to submit their answers.
5. Contestants may use all available resources to identify the location.
6. Each image is worth 100 points. Points will be awarded based on 100/(Correct Entries). For instance, we have 10 contestants. All 10 get image A correct, they each get 10 points. Only 5 get image B right, each of those 5 get 20 points.
7. All determinations of "correct answers" and anything else requiring judgment fall to that of the Poster of each round of the game. You can reduce the need for doubt and judgment by properly spelling your submissions, being clear, and that sort of thing. The posers decisions are final and utterly inarguable, no exceptions.
8. Collaboration of any kind is strictly forbidden. No posting your answers to this board, nor sharing them by e-mail or in any other way with other potential contestants. Just don't be a douchebag.
8. Each contestant must submit an image (or if you're graphically/time challenged, a link to a Google maps search) that fits into the overall theme of the 10 images.
9. In the case of a tie, the submitted image will be the tie-breaker. The Poster gets to decide which image of the tied contestants fits the "best".
10. The winner gets to post the next entry.
11. If the winner takes more than 72 hours to post the next entry, the runner-up may assume the responsibilities.
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Originally Posted by Subby
Maybe I am just getting old though, but I am learning to not let perfect be the enemy of the very good...

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