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Old 03-18-2010, 08:49 AM   #156
College Prospect
Join Date: Oct 2001
Izzo is a great coach, just a question of whether he can connect with this team (I think they are suffering from a giant case of big head after last year). The first two games are good matchups so I think there is a chance for momentum heading into Kansas. Also it will be the first game of the weekend, so we'll probably come out with that ugly Big Ten basketball everyone hates, but potentially knocks teams out of their rhythm (see UConn and Kansas last year).

Kansas can put a stop to that though if they come out like UNC did last year. Come out as if the game is on the line, dominate the first ten minutes with your star power, and then run your starters back onto the court if State starts to make a run to get back in it. Don't get down early, cause coming back against State usually means the Spartans getting soft... if they are on their game the defense tends to take a lot of energy to overcome.

All this can be moot though, best to just throw the ball up and see what happens!
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