Thread: Corey Haim Died
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Old 03-10-2010, 01:32 PM   #24
World Champion Mis-speller
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Covington, Ga.
Originally Posted by molson View Post
Feldman seems to have his shit together. Which is pretty amazing considering all the drugs he did and the fact that he was probably molested by Michael Jackson.

His career isn't what it used to be, but he's always doing stuff and seems to be making a living. It probably helps that he came from money to some extent, so he's probably a lot better at managing it.

To be honest with you, I think they both were. On that Two Cory's show, Haim and Feldman had this conversation where Haim threw it in Feldman's face that he was molested by a man and that Feldman knew it and did nothing. Feldman's response was that he was a kid to and was being molested as well. They both denied it afterwards but I'd put money it being Jackson. As a matter of fact, I'd put money on the fact that both Cory's were recieving money from Jackson till the day he died, and quite possibily after.
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