Thread: Corey Haim Died
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Old 03-10-2010, 10:43 AM   #15
BYU 14
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: The scorched Desert
Originally Posted by Swaggs View Post
I think it is more of a matter that folks that are "blessed" with great fame, riches, and/or experiences, particularly at a young age, often have a tough time settling back into a regular lifestyle (which most of us enjoy pretty well).

I'm sure we have all seen it, to a much lesser extent, with friends who travel a lot or have had successes (business, sports, financial?) at a young age who then try to settle down and then are unhappy.

Good summary, sad that something that one would think could lead to a fulfilled and comfortable life, in reality rips the soul out of so many of these kids. I guess it is always harder to "downgrade" when you get so much, so soon.
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