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Old 03-06-2010, 05:32 AM   #12
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Toledo - Spain
Originally Posted by CleBrownsfan View Post
How are you guys liking BC2? After the disappointment of MLB The Show I'm looking to play something new.

I traded in MW2 for BFBC2 yesterday in a shop and i must say that for the little time i have played, it's way more fun and a better game overall (unless you prefer the small maps and frenetic pace of MW2).

BFBC2 is more tactical, plus you can use all the vehicles for something different.

The campaign is also short (sadly the trend for all shooters), probably won't last more than 6 hours in normal difficulty, but i must say i'm loving it, the 3 team mates personalities and short and frequent movie cutscenes are really great and add a lot to the story. The landscapes are way more complex and better looking than in MW2, and the sound.... holly f*ing sh*t. I haven't ever heard a shooter sound like this through headphones. Between the nice pad vibration effect and sound, you feel like shooting real weapons, i had read about it in different reviews, but you need to hear it by yourself.

About the online part, servers were down for maintenance yesterday for a couple of hours, just when i went back home with the game, so i played mainly the SP campaign, but when i was going to bed saw there were online again and played a couple of conquest games.

Maps are bigger than in MW2, and the best thing is how you can destroy everything in the environment, you can see holes for every bullet you shoot, particles fly around, and it's great to use an LMG vs a guy hiding behind soft cover like wood, as you can see how your bullets destroy his cover. Also you don't feel safe into any building, as a tank or grenade can blow it up anytime killing you inside.

About team work and tactical team work... in two games i didn't see it playing with randoms, but i guess it's the same for every shooter unless you play with friends on into a clan, but the biggest maps and destroyable and changing environment force you to think your moves and not to just run and fire like in MW2.

Overall i'm impressed with it, MAG probably encourages more teamwork because it's fully objective based, but i find a good tactical part in BFBC2 too, specially again compared with MW2, and graphics and sound are way better in BFBC2 than in MAG (on the other hand, MAG is 128vs128 players battles while BFBC is 12vs12). Both with MAG and BFBC2 i'll have online shooters for a long time, i was really tired of the frenetic and run & gun gameplay of MW2.

The biggest positive things i see are:

- INCREDIBLE sound effects.
- Destructive environment
- Immersive campaign (but short)
- Awesome graphics, really next gen, specially the environment.
- Big maps

Last edited by Icy : 03-06-2010 at 05:36 AM.
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