Thread: MLB 2k10
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Old 03-02-2010, 09:49 AM   #34
Mizzou B-ball fan
General Manager
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Kansas City, MO
Pretty good impression listing here since there hasn't been much. Seems like there's more posts about the lack of impressions than anything else.

CPU pitchers vs human batters are nice. They pitch to you very well and mix up pitches and locations.

Presentation is good. I hit a walkoff home run with Brad Hawpe and the game immediately cut to a different camera angle as soon as I swung to show it in all it's glory.

CPU batters still seem much too aggressive. I read they said the walk ratings in the IE screens are wrong, but I don't think so.

Pinpoint pitching remains. You can still hit your spots time after time, even with a tired pitcher. Your pitcher being rattled is the only time you will have a problem throwing strikes.

The pitching fatigue slider seems to only work for your pitcher, the CPU pitcher seems unaffected. And because of this they seem to be able to throw all night w/o getting tired. Twice I worked the opposing starter to over 120 pitches by the 7th inning and they remained in the game. This was while I set the fatigue slider to 70 and my pitcher was tired after 60 pitches. Bad.

Also bad, pitcher's fielding. They hoover up everything hit to them up the middle, and yet...worst of all....they are horrible at covering first base. I mean really horrible to the point it can ruin the game. One game I played, the pitcher screwed up 4-5 times covering first base. They don't get there fast enough and you wind up racing the runner to the bag. In most cases, the pitcher tried to tag the runner which caused him to stop instead...missing the runner completely. It might be possible you need to wait for him to reach first base before you throw, but you can't see the pitcher from the camera view so you don't know when he's there.

Rocket arms. Fixable maybe with updated rosters?

Player of the game is hit and miss. Sometimes it's appropriate, and other times it makes no sense. Same with the Top 3 Plays. The game I hit the walk off, that was #1, but another game, the #1 play was Tulo making a routine play on a ground ball.

Animations need some work. Even stuff like rounding first to goto second can look jerky and disjointed.

I saw the CF make maybe the worst gaff I've seen in a baseball video game. I hit a high fly to deep CF with Tulo, and the CF tracked back and should've settled under the ball easily.....BUT! Instead he turned his back to the ball and just stood there. And as I waited to see what would happen....the LF comes out of nowhere and makes a diving catch! Bad x2.

Overall...disappointing, sort of. It's better than 2K9, but there were so many small things that don't seem to work right that it distracts you from enjoying what could be a fun game. If 2K is able to patch some things this game could be worthwhile and enjoyable....worth waiting a month or two and see what happens and maybe pick this one up used.
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