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Old 02-25-2010, 09:38 AM   #88
Join Date: Nov 2003
Originally Posted by lighthousekeeper View Post
lynchjm, here is what I suspect is happening regarding scouting in ootp:

1. all computer controlled teams do not have their own scouts - they instead rely on the OSA scout
2. if the OSA scout was horrible, the game AI would be even more out of whack because the teams would be basing their decisions solely on the poor OSA evaluations, which would result in a game that is even easier to beat - easier than the environment that you say is aready too easy.

i could be totally wrong. *shurg*

I don't *think* this is the case. From what I've seen there is just too much randomness. If you take a case of a simple standard deviation away from the players "true ratings" it makes sense that there are a few guys in each draft like lynchjim is talking about (OSA max underrates, my scout max overrates) that aren't as good as my scout sees. Obviously because OSA can only be "so wrong" these players aren't as good as my scout thinks they are and we can easily identify them. How you fix that is probably a bit tougher. Sounds like we are looking for a system that says "great scouts should be wrong a lot less often - especially on established talent - and there shouldn't be such a wide range of difference when evaluating players". It's a very interesting discussion though. I booted up OOTP 10 on my new machine last night just to test how fast it runs and was immediately reminded why I play with scouting off. The difference between OSA and my scout on almost every player is huge and I just have no interest in trying to figure out which is right or subtracting x from y to get some sort of consensus.

That being said I do think Marcus gets a tough rap on this board and we hold OOTP to a higher standard we hold other text sims. When you strip out some of the "features" it's an incredibly solid, fun and stable sim and probably the gold standard today (other than FM). And at least he's made it customizable enough that you can take these features out. Let's take TCY - do we focus on the fact that it's a great, solid game or do we focus on the fact that some of the design decisions make it unrealistic and way too easy (e.g. as one of the lowest prestige teams in the country I can still sign ten top 20 players every year if I focus on academics for a few years at the start of the game)

Last edited by bhlloy : 02-25-2010 at 09:44 AM.
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