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Old 02-20-2010, 09:16 AM   #28
Honolulu Blue
Dynasty Boy
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Michigan
I liked the new feature set enough to pre-order. I'm especially excited about being able to make mock '75 Topps cards of my Ludington Demons team. Just kidding. Here's what I'm really excited about:

* The extra fielding stats is nice. It's terribly hard to get a +/- runs/wins figure from just the base stats. This should make it easier to find out how much my "1" left fielder is costing me.
* The amateur draft changes sound promising. It's about time that signing bonuses made it into the game, IMO. That will make turning around those hopeless teams a little more challenging.
* I like having amateur stats. It'll save me from having to use feeders for just that purpose.
* Evolving fictional leagues has a lot of potential, depending on what changes are in the script. Will the spitball make a comeback? Could they get super serious about PEDs? I know, let's raise the mound and pretend it's 1968 again.
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