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Old 02-15-2010, 03:44 PM   #246
Pro Starter
Join Date: Jul 2007
Originally Posted by cartman View Post
Holy crap! What a competitive men's downhill!


kinda unspectacular course though, well relatively speaking of course.
And only until you saw slow-motion, holy shit I mean, the power you need in your legs to stay low on those curves and how freaking un-smooth the course looks from up close, what seems like smooth sailing from away is just one bump after the other.


Up until when do you guys need spoilers btw ?

Originally Posted by Fidatelo View Post
I have two problems with the downhill skiing:

- the course warmed up/degraded after the first 20 or so skiers, which meant that the guys after that could have the run of their lives and still have no shot. Kind of dumb.

- because of the above, the whole thing was super boring for the second half. Just dude after dude skiing down the hill that everyone knew had no chance. Why even continue? You may has well have thrown skiis on some bystanders and let them have at the hill for an hour and give us something interesting to watch.

allways like that in the olympics. In other disciplines you start with the worst athletes built it up until the best come along, but for the reason you named (course wearing down) you canīt do that in the downhill and super G because you canīt fix the track in between.

That reason is also why the slalom and Giant Slalom are so fun though, first round the best athletes get early numbers but in the 2nd leg the best placed (mostly the ones that started early in the first leg) start last and have to deal with a seriously fucked up track.

Last edited by whomario : 02-15-2010 at 03:48 PM.
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