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Old 02-13-2010, 10:55 PM   #189
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Minnesota
Originally Posted by Big Fo View Post
Most of my time watching sports is spend on soccer games that take two hours each, basketball games that take two and a half hours, and baseball/football games that take three hours, and all of these have long seasons of many games to determine a champion. It's quite a change to watch a sport where the whole thing is decided in three rounds that take under two minutes (or even half a minute like the moguls), not to mention the added intensity since competitors only get a chance to win the big prize every four years instead of every year. It makes watching this stuff intense even though I'm not familiar with the vast majority of the athletes or all of the rules/subtleties/scoring methods.


The competition in the Olympics is so tight it makes it an incredible event. The fact that I know nothing about the athletes or in some cases the sports isnt a big thing to me as I just love the nature of the competition.

And for as much as NBC gets bashed about the coverage they do manage to make it interesting by giving us storylines to cheer for athough very USA biased.

Is the coverage the same throughout the world I was wondering? I cant imagine the Chinese getting too big of a thrill watching all of the USA coverage.

Last edited by jbergey22 : 02-13-2010 at 10:59 PM.
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