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Old 02-08-2010, 07:42 PM   #246
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: St. Louis
I think what it comes down to is that the people not understanding her appeal (including me) don't agree with her politics or her worldview. It would be like convincing me why John Calipari is a good coach. I don't like the guy at all and continuously question his methods but in the end there is no questioning his results. People can question Palin but she sure gets asses in the seats.

With that said if I had to choose between Democrats, Republicans, and the supposed third entity Tea Party and they chose to run Palin for president I would be sitting out or voting for another Bob Barr like candidate that has no chance of winning. I have only had a chance to skim this thread (appreciate the shoutout DT ) so forgive me if I am repeating something already said on pages 1-3. But I think the establishment knows exactly what it is doing by sending Palin after this voting block. In the end she is ultimately just another supporter of big federal government, policing the world, war on drugs, etc that both the Republicans and Democrats have traded being in favor of (or against if they were the minority party) every time they were in power for the past 30+ years.

Ultimately cooler heads will prevail and we will have our typical two party race with both parties coming up with new ways to spend our money and money they don't have. Mark my words there will be some crisis in Fall 2011 that will call for immediate attention by both candidates because the future of mankind depends on them acting now and worrying about silly things like debts and deficits later.
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