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Old 02-08-2010, 04:13 PM   #233
General Manager
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Chicago, IL
Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA View Post
I suggest, young padawan, that your lack of confidence is an indication of how far you still have to go

Okay, more seriously now, here's where I think you part ways from a lot of the country on that. Without hesitation, I can say I believe I'd be happier with the state of the nation right this second if I had been running the country for the last 8 years. I believe that a lot of other people would say the same thing (about themselves, not about me).

Since we aren't in a position where that's likely to come up, what's the next best thing? Either find someone whose positions we like better than our own (dunno about you but those are pretty rare animals for me) or the next best option might be to find someone who seems to relate to us, hoping even against hope that they might do the right/best/correct thing just as we believe we would have done ourselves if given the chance.
There is a difference though in knowing what you want and knowing how to implement it. If I had a tumor, I know I'd want it out of my system as fast as possible, but I wouldn't be the one telling the doctor how to do it.

And I guess you can call it a lack of self-confidence, but I think it's also just being realistic. I can give an opinion on how I think an economic matter should be handled, but I've never studied economics in depth and dedicated my life to understanding it and the impact various events have on our economy. My opinion would be as educated as my opinion on how to remove a tumor from my body.
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