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Old 02-08-2010, 12:29 PM   #195
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: USA
Confirmation on the speech thing. I am certainly convinced that (1) she read her speech, and (2) those notes on her hand were to help her with the Q&A.

Can anyone tell me what her appeal is? I get the whole MILF / Hot Grandmother thing, but I would never even slightly entertain $100k speaking fees or an election to any position of responsibility based on that alone. People tell me they like her because she isn't as polished as the other players. So, they like that she crashes and burns in her interviews? Even the friendly ones with people like Glen Beck. They like her speeches, which all seem to wander off into the wilderness, seemingly devoid of any major point or thesis behind them? I really don't understand.
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