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Old 02-07-2010, 04:17 PM   #177
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Location: Chicago, IL
Originally Posted by rowech View Post
Unless you simply say things in your posts for the sake of saying them, there is no chance you would ever be considered a Libertarian in any, way, shape, or form.

You are firmly left of center in every post I've ever read from you in a political thread. You might be seeing yourself one way but the world is CLEARLY seeing you as the opposite of what you say.
I don't argue my position a lot, just like to point out hypocrisy in statements by partisians. Don't see a huge difference in the two major parties with the exception of one party hates what they used to love four years ago. Rinse and repeat as powers shift. I'll even argue a position I like because I feel it's presented with bullshit. Such as those who want lower taxes for the rich because it'll "trickle down". I want lower taxes for the rich because I think they pay way too much of our revenues right now. I know the "trickle down" stuff is bullshit and just used to sell it the the public.

One of the problems is what you mentioned above. If you believe in 70% of a party's platform, they consider you on the other side. Independent thought within a party is discouraged and they essentially want robots spouting the daily talking points (see MBBF).

As for my thoughts and what you'd classify them as, I don't know. I don't believe in welfare and think unemployment should be privatized. People should have the ability to opt out of Social Security at any age in life. I think we should eliminate limits on competition in health care and open borders for prescription drugs. Only fight in wars that effect our direct public safety and stop occupying lands.

I know that's not hardcore libertarian thinking because I don't want to eliminate things like the FAA, NTSB, and CDC, but I think it's a rather drastic cutback in what we do spend and what our government operates and has control over. Liberterians are the only party for reduced spending so like I said, I lean in that direction. I don't know if I'd ever want that party controlling government, but I'd love to see them have a nice percent of the voting block in the Senate and House.

Socially I'm pretty much anything goes. I don't care what you inject into your body as long as you don't hurt others. I don't care if you want to gamble your paycheck away or spend it on hookers. Gay marriage wise, I don't even think government should be involved in marriage at all. Should be a spiritual thing between two, three, or 50 people if that's what they want. The fuck do I care if some guy wants to have 49 wives (as long as their not minors). At the same time, I do believe in the death penalty (in cases of extreme guilt) and feel it should extend beyond murder to multiple time rapists and those who sexually abuse children.

I don't know what the chart says that would make me. Moderate Democrat, Moderate Libertarian, or just an independent. I do know I liked a lot of what Ron Paul had to say in the primary with the exception of eliminating all the stuff he'd want to. I wish we had 50 people in the House and 10 in the Senate who would vote down all the bullshit like him.

Last edited by RainMaker : 02-07-2010 at 04:24 PM.
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