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Old 02-07-2010, 01:28 PM   #162
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: MA
It's not a big deal, but it is very amusing. It gets a little more play because her intellect was already in question, this compounds it. But if it really blows up for more than a day or two I'll be annoyed.

Let's be realistic here: Her presence was most of the $100k, not what she said. And she earned her money once she delivered "How's that hope-y, change-y stuff workin' out for you?" Anything after that was gravy for the organizers since they'd already gotten their money for ticket sales & she came up with the home run line that summed up the feelings of a lot of people in a very concise nutshell.

I agree, but rather than going for the gravy or lack there of, she may haven taken a dump in the potatoes. If this gets play beyond rabid blogs it's damaging to the tea party's image, warranted or not.

Last edited by jeff061 : 02-07-2010 at 01:32 PM.
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