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Old 02-07-2010, 11:43 AM   #156
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Jacksonville, FL
Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA View Post
Let's be realistic here: Her presence was most of the $100k, not what she said. And she earned her money once she delivered "How's that hope-y, change-y stuff workin' out for you?" Anything after that was gravy for the organizers since they'd already gotten their money for ticket sales & she came up with the home run line that summed up the feelings of a lot of people in a very concise nutshell.

Given the problems that Obama has with speeches (and fair reminder that I defended him here for his lack of 'prompter skills) I don't know if anybody should say much about whatever works for somebody if it keeps them on track. Palin's trick isn't one I've used but I imagine plenty of people have, and could be as simple as an idiosyncrantic thing to avoid fidgeting with index cards (as one example).

However, I think youre ignoring the point I brought up in the Obama thread which is that she is MORE than just a speaker, a paid for one at this particular event. She carries more weight with her words than just any joe blow and considering that I believe she will be running for Pres. than that makes things like this all the more glaring in regards to whether or not she is qualified to be a President of the country. Writing shit on your hand before giving a speech is just pure and simple outlandish regardless of party affiliation. Use a fucking teleprompter....she did just fine at the GOP convention with one. Its simply put stupid and in all honesty, so much so, that I was certain it was photoshopped.

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