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Old 01-21-2010, 05:17 PM   #84
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Massachusetts
I can see both sides of it. A company does have political views, and insofar as that company pays corporate taxes I suppose it has a right to have those views heard (I think a lot of companies don't pay anywhere close to what they should in corporate taxes, but that's another argument).

The problem is that there's too much money in politics anyways...I'm for 100% publicly funded campaigns (and sure they might not have as much money and might be smaller in scope, but I doubt very many would complain about that), and getting all the lobbyist money out of the pockets of the politicians. So if that's my stance then yeah, corporations shouldn't have a right to make their political voice heard any louder than you or I (who under my system wouldn't be donating to candidates anyways).

That way we'd get politicians who care about service instead of lining their own pockets, and perhaps we get a government that's actually more responsive to the populace.

At least that's the idea.
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