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Old 01-14-2010, 11:52 PM   #193
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: the yo'
The supermarket in general. I went in the other day and shopped during the day for the first time in maybe a decade. I'm a midnight or later shopper. I'm getting cut off by old people. Or raced around by assholes. I about broke out some C-Bombs on a chick who almost nailed me with her cart. Twice, in two different aisles.

Then, I forgot how people randomly talk to you. Like it's suddenly acceptable to have a conversation with a stranger, just cause we are both looking at pork. Then people don't respect your personal space. I'm checking out, putting my stuff on the lane. This mouthbreather who smelled funny was basically 2 inches away from my body. I go to swipe my ATM, and he's like staring at the pin pad. I went into full on box out mode, like I was trying to grab a rebound.

Basically the only reason I went was cause they had some amazing meat specials, plus I had accrued 18% off in groceries cause I buy a lot of gasoline from Giant Eagle. So I got like "400 dollars" worth of food for like $250. It was worth it, i guess. As long as the guy didn't give me head lice.

Yeah, I'm aware of the fact that I'm an asshole.
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