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Old 12-18-2009, 02:37 PM   #1256
College Prospect
Join Date: Oct 2001
I've got a gameplay design for a detective game which has AI serial killers. The problem is, people would be expecting an exciting shoot out every couple of minutes (ala GTA) but to really make an intellectually mysterious detective game it actually is about investigation and putting clues together. I don't think the market would be very big for it.

I'm not talking about railroad detective games either, where you are basically point and clicked through a planned out series of gameplay elements with some sort of puzzle/mini-game design until you reach the end of the plot. I was thinking of inverted GTA open world, except the missions themselves are procedurally generated, and the artificial intelligence is on a 'mission' and you as the detective need to detect and defeat it under the condition of ambiguous information.
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