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Old 12-15-2009, 09:12 AM   #400
Pro Rookie
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Prairie du Sac, WI
Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo View Post
Love good community and clubhouse guys!! If you want to root for him here it's okay...we won't tell anyone.

With just a two-year deal I hope that we will be getting him before age really starts to catch up, at least for this year.

If he put up good numbers for the Brewers in their monster stadium imagine what he can do with half his games in our lil bandbox?

Does he get elevation on his fly balls to leftfield is the question? Or do most of his shots to the outfield tend to be more of the "line drive" variety?

Eh, I don't hate the Red Sox. I won't root for them, but I wont' root against them. I will root for Cam though!

I think Miller Park comes out as a neutral stadium so the increase might not be as big as you'd think but if I remember correctly, quite a few of Cameron's home runs were the variety that he hits a mile in the air that barely get out of the park or get out by a decent distance. I think his hitting style will play well with the Green Monster. Definitely has an uppercut swing and he'll strike out plenty.

I think playing him in Fenway's tiny left field does his defense a disservice. He operates best when he has plenty of room to cover.
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