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Old 12-14-2009, 08:23 PM   #375
Pro Starter
Join Date: Jan 2004
I will chime and say I am happily shocked Lackey WOW! They must have been kepping that under there hats to do a misdirection on the ole Yanks in case they tried to drive the price up on us even if they were not all that interesting. So the Sox starting five at present Beckett Lackey Lester Dice K, and Buchholtz. That is pretty good. I would not mind them trading Dice K but his contract is a hindrance to say the least. Anyways, it sure gives them some room to make a deal for someone like Adrian Gonzalez or maybe Hanley though not sure where he would go unless they flipped Scutarro to the Marlins along with a bunch of prospects.
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