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Old 12-10-2009, 02:14 PM   #317
Mr. Sparkle
High School JV
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: San Francisco
Since I'm bored, I'll give you all my thoughts on the offseason so far:

I must say, I like how things have transpired so far Giants fan, for a couple reasons: The Giants haven't done anything stupid (yet), and the NL West hasn't gotten any better (and in some cases, worse). The NYY-DET-AZ deal is terrible for Arizona. They have to be convinced that Scherzer is going to break down in the very near future. Jackson is decent enough, but he's going to start getting expensive. Kennedy was hurt for pretty much all of 2009, and I don't think he'll be much more than a #4 starter at best. They must have been impressed with his AFL numbers. They gave up two young, cheap pitchers who are under control for a long time. Not bright.

I don't know why the Dodgers didn't offer arbitration to Wolf and Hudson. They cost themselves some draft picks with that decision. Hudson might have accepted, but they have no second basemen anyways, so that wouldn't have been devastating. Even Wolf accepting wouldn't have been terribly bad. Now that he's gone, they have two holes to fill in their rotation.

Colorado hasn't done much, but they don't really have to. They're the NL West team most set for the future, IMO. They could use an upgrade in their rotation, depending on how Jeff Francis comes back from injury.

San Diego is, well, San Diego. When you have to non-tender Kevin Correia because you don't want to pay him a couple mil, you know it's going to be a long 2010.

Around the league, I love what the Mariners are doing. I'm not a huge Figgins guy, but he came cheaper than I thought, and with Ichiro will make a studly 1-2 punch at the top of the order. Would've loved their offseason even more had they signed Harden. Jack Z seems to be checking in on every available player, be it trade or FA. I think they still have some big moves left in them.

The team with the worst offseason so far has to be the Astros. 3/$15 million for Brandon Lyon? If you're going to overpay, overpay for a good MR! Pedro Feliz is garbage. They didn't give up too much for Matt Lindstrom, but they have the worst farm system in baseball so I don't know that they should be trading anyone with even a slight bit of talent.

I'm glad the Giants didn't pay Brad Penny what he got from St. Louis. I'd rather have had Harden than Penny, personally. If the Giants are going to sign a SP to replace him, I'd love them to see what Bedard wants. He'd take a 1 year deal to rebuild his value, and SF is a great park to do it in. So glad Molina is gone, but I just wish they'd hand the job to Posey and be done with it. They might have to by default now, given that the Nationals skewed the entire market for catchers with their ridiculous signing of Pudge for 2 years/$6 million. Please, Sabean, no Rod Barajas/Jason Kendall/Miguel Olivo. Sign someone cheap, like a Josh Bard type, and let Posey do his thing. All in all, Sabes has been saying a lot of logical things. They appear to be in on Nick Johnson, have a passing interest on Beltre, won't give up too much for Dan Uggla. I...I don't even know who he is any more. It's going to be amazing to see how he screws everything up this time.

So I guess that's all from me, for now at least. Back to your regularly scheduled Red Sox/Yankees/Mets/Phillies talk!
I hope life isn't a joke, because I don't get it
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