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Old 12-10-2009, 12:42 PM   #155
Pro Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Cary, NC
I was getting bored with my band ripping through even much larger enemy armies with very little damage, except for town / castle assaults which I don't do much, so I finally went in and set damage to myself and friends to normal from 1/4 and 1/2. Wow, does that make a HUGE difference in play. I have to be much more tactical now, and watch letting my calvary get mixed up with infantry unless supported. Have to do a lot more of letting the enemy get close to my infanty / archer line, THEN charge in with the calvary. And I can't be nearly as careless. Lots more tactics and thinking involved in the fights, and much harder to develop a dominating army as I keep losing knights at roughly the same rate I'm developing them.

And castle / town assaults are truly murder. We finally took Sargoth (the Nords are now down to just Tihr) but I lost over half my men doing it in addition to heavy allied casualties. And it took two assaults when I got knocked out in the first one.

You need to really work hard to stay alive as your soldiers take much heavier casualties when you're not in the fight to manage them.
-- Greg
-- Author of various FOF utilities
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