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Old 12-07-2009, 11:07 PM   #452
Join Date: Oct 2000
That's nice. They've missed two starters. I understand that. Yet how does everyone fit when those starters come back? They look like a square peg, round hole type of team. NBA teams are puzzles. Doesn't mean every team has to be built the same way, but there has to be some sort of a plan there.

Two teams who made some free agent noise are having problems now. A big reason is because they didn't try to build a puzzle, they tried to create assets. Detroit is one of those teams. Portland is the other. (a team that was struggling even before Oden went down for the count, something that I'm still sick over by the way)

Assuming they are healthy, I think they are in a race for the 6th best team in the east. (I think Miami is clearly a better team)

Who are they competing with for #6, 7 and 8? Chicago, Milwaukee, Charlotte, New York. . . look, it's brutal. I wouldn't exactly be proud of 41-44 wins. Hell, IMHO, all those two starters do is put them deeper into mediocrity. Not good enough to win, not bad enough to get a high pick. You just analyzed the team above. The puzzle pieces fit together horribly. I agree by the way, I'd start with Stuckey. The more of him I see, the less I like.

AI made his return. Some thoughts on the game:

AI was two steps slow. He may be better when he gets some conditioning.
Melo had his worst game of the year. Horrible on defense, offense. . . just an ugly game from him.
Ty Lawson is a stud. I know I've said it about ten times in this thread, but the guy is all that, a bag of chips and more. When Chauncey leaves, he's going to slide right in and start.
Speaking of Chauncey, he had a great game. Led Denver in the second half.
Someone really, really needs to teach Iggy how to deal with a double team.
Elton Brand looks horrible.
Philly bench 1-15 from the floor. 2 points, 5 boards, 1 assist
Denver bench - 10-22, 29 points, 15 boards, 5 assists.
That pretty much sums it up I think.
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