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Old 11-27-2009, 11:50 AM   #52
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Originally Posted by BishopMVP View Post
It's less about that - I said catering to an audience is fine as long you're not pretending to include other genres - and more that they picked the same 3 albums for their top 20's out of all the hip-hop options.

have to admit i havenīt looked closely at the lists in question due to a lack of time, so i didnīt realize them all being Top20 and not just "on the list".
I have to admit that i havenīt listened to "the blueprint" (know it by name, but thatīs it) but have listened to Stankonia and Late registration a lot.
For me, those were 2 albums that a) were introduced to me due to a lot of airplay and mentioning outside of hip hop channels, they were b) fairly accessible even for a guy not actively listening to/searching for Hip Hop music because they were c) not "real" hip hop albums in a way.

Again, i may be totally off here but both those albums also apealed to a lot of people that normally donīt listen/like Rap/Hip Hop. Which is why they were included i guess.

There arenīt many Rap/Hip Hop albums apealing to people not interested in that genre, but those two you could play to people that would say "i donīt like hip hop" and might still like those records.

Me personally, iīm falling under that lable clearly. Thereīs exceptions, but by and large even the mainstream artists you named are too extreme in being Hip Hop albums (profanities and other to me pointless things included) , although i really like Eminemīs 2nd album (and only that, all others donīt apeal to me at all).

Whome else i would have expected to be included are the Roots obviously with their plethora of musical influences they display, but they might feature higher on a "Rock" centred list as thatīs the area they ventured into with quite a few tracks.
The Seed 2.0 is among my Top 10 tracks of the century, would listen to it like 20 times a day when it came out.

Originally Posted by path12 View Post
Where's that quote from? We agree that non-musical phenomena shouldn't color the ranking of a particular album.

i know thatīs not what is meant in that quote, but artists situation should imo. Like Johnny Cashīs version of "Hurt". If he werenīt an old man on the verge of dying itīd be pointles, the way it is itīs just incredible.

Last edited by whomario : 11-27-2009 at 11:52 AM.
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