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Old 11-26-2009, 12:47 PM   #190
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Can you imagine starting a book with a CS 29 guy with your initial 1d10 + CS? Sucky. At least you could evade it. It lets out a huge cry, and I discover a gold key in its claws. I grab it, but the horde of rats is coming. I start running and come across a very narrow stone bridge that spans a deep gully. I can try the bridge, try to swim across it, or use Divination. Divination tells me that the bridge is just strong enough to allow me to cross, but not too much more than that. I take it.

The rats are right behind me and as I reach the center of the bridge, they reach the bridge itself, so I turn and face them her on the narrow bridge, where they cannot use their large numbers against me. I swing and kill some, knocking others to their death far below. Suddenly, the bridge cracks and I leap to the other shore. The bridge breaks and the rats on it fall with it to the gully below, while the others are trapped on the other side.

There is a fallen tower here and the stone blocks look like the vertebrae of a giant beast. I arrive at the battlements of Kazan-Oud. I can try to penetrate the fortress through the fallen tower, or continue on. Let’s continue on. I can always come back. In a bit I arrive at another stone staircase, this one much more intact. I cannot go farther because the beach collides with the castle. I climb up the large stairs and a storm has broken. The only source o flight is the green power-shield. There is an entrance here, and it is very dark. Do I have a tinderbox and torch, or a lantern, or a Firesphere? I use it.

I notice that the uneven floor is marked with uneven stones and spatters of blood. More ominous. I am about to move in when my Kai instincts of Sixth Sense kick in and I am alerted to a small square panel in the floor. I can prod it with a weapon, jump across, or walk across. I choose to prod it.

No matter how hard I prod, I cannot move it, but my prodding knocks away old dirt and reveals the number 123 in the center of some scaly creature. Jump or walk. I jump. I begin to feel a warm damp wind coming from in front of me. For over an hour I walk down the tunnel and leap over small fissures, and take care not to mess with the worms and other creatures that inhabit these depths.
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