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Old 11-26-2009, 04:11 AM   #36
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: San Jose, CA
It ain't about obscurity. It's about what the people who care about it most find appealing. If you're a casual music fan, then yes, many things may seem obscure to you. If someone asked me to list my favorite computer software programmers of the past decade, my list would seem pathetic to anyone who had invested time (whether it be forced through occupation, or enjoyed as a hobby) in learning about computer software development. I wouldn't "yawn" at that list. I'd try to take the advice of those who have invested time into it to heart.

I hate hate beer snobs. When I tell someone I drink Budweiser, I know it's shit. If someone was making a list of the Top 100 beers of the past decade, I'd know better than to try and throw Budweisers hat into the ring. I'd get laughed out of the discussion. That doesn't sway my own appreciation for Budweiser, but I know better than to try and flaunt Budweiser into the faces of those who obviously have invested more time into the intricacies of beer.

Basically, American Idiot is the Budweiser of music to me.
Look into the mind of a crazy man (NSFW)
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