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Old 11-25-2009, 03:49 PM   #180
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD

The old stone door creaks slowly open, and as the dust settles, you find yourself staring into the crypt of Tekaro Cathedral. Stepping into the chill, stale air, your heart begins to pound in your chest; the Lorestone is here--you can feel it.

Beams of ashen moonlight filter into the crypt, illuminating a line of sombre granite tombs that lie like sleeping giants under the earth. Clutching the Silver Key, you examine them one by one for the lock that guards the legendary Lorestone.

You find the lock and insert the key but you are suddenly distracted, on the brink of discovery, by the creature that is advancing through the sewer door.

A huge, lumbering monster stalks towards you. It is over ten feet high with thick, twisted, hairy limbs and eight-fingered hands tipped by razor-sharp talons. Baleful, monstrous eyes protrude from yellow slits in its glistening head, and a long reptilian tail whips behind it. Its hideous and peculiar gibbering fills the moonlit crypt as it draws nearer and nearer.

(I choose to use a bow)

Trembling with fear, you draw the bowstring and fire. The Arrow glances off its armoured head and shatters against the crypt wall. There is no time for a second shot. You discard your Bow and prepare for close combat as the creature moves in to strike.

I am facing the:

Dakomyd CS 25, EP 50.

If I reduce it’s EP to 25 or less I am to cease the combat. Also, it is immune to mind stuff.

I roll a 7 and deal 12 to it. A 2 deals 7 more and I take 3. An 8 takes it below 25. I turn to the indicated section.
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