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Old 11-25-2009, 08:47 AM   #396
Pro Starter
Join Date: Jul 2007
nice dunk Still, i think itīs allways a good thing if a big guy is willing to end on that post for the outside chance of blocking the shot. Shaq f.e. never did that and it pissed me to no end ... I swear, there hasnīt ever been a human being that big that could move out of the way that fast, heīs be a hell of a spanish matador One minute thereīs this 350 pound obstacle in the way, the next itīs like a suburbian street at 4 in the morning ... Isnīt part of the job description to, you know, try to get in the way of people flying towards the basket ?

Oden (and Aldridge) dismantled the Bulls big guys this game though, was no contest.

But iīm not so uptight not to enjoy the dunk by Rose Dindīt another bull have a good one that same game on/near Oden as well ?

Oden really is much more agile/mobile than last year, weirdly that has gotten him into trouble at times as heīs moving to much and challenges too much (and tries more wide-spread moves on offense).
Last year he got into foul trouble because he was slow to react, this year mainly because tries to do way too much and a lot of things that big men nowadays simply get whistled for by default ("he just checked a guy half a foot smaller ? That has to be a foul." *whistle* Wait, he moved around a smaller guy and another one had to jump in to draw the charge ? Nah, the little guy obviously was there all the way. *whistle* ).

Iīm very optimistic about his play so far

Last edited by whomario : 11-25-2009 at 08:51 AM.
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