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Old 11-24-2009, 11:02 PM   #158
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD

A small, flat-faced man dressed in a silver-braided jerkin enters the tent and calls for everyone's attention. Quickly, he explains the rules that govern the tournament and then ushers you onto the range. At the far end of the field is a line of targets, each with ten coloured rings marked 0-9. Each archer is given 3 arrows with which he must get a minimum score of 8 in order to qualify for the next round of the tournament.

I have to roll three times and add three for Weaponmastery with a bow. 18 total. I pass easily.

Your score qualifies you for a place in the final, for only one other archer has scored more than eight points. His name is Altan, a tall man with rugged features, a ranger from the mountains to the north. He wields a longbow of orange toa wood, and his skill with this weapon is formidable; it will be a difficult contest.


The tournament final is played out using the normal rules for combat. The only difference is that you begin with 50 ENDURANCE or TARGET points. Any ENDURANCE points that you may lose are deducted from these TARGET points (your normal ENDURANCE score remaining unchanged throughout the contest). The first one to lose all 50 of his TARGET points loses the tournament. (You need not erase any Arrows from your Action Chart during this tournament.)

I wanted to post the rules for the tournament for you. I start with 50 Target Points, as does Altan. He has a CS of 30. I have my normal 32, minus 8 for not using the Sommerswerd, and minus 2 because I am not allowed my shield. I am allowed everything else and I get +3 for Weaponmastery with a bow.

Okay, here we go. First three rolls are 2, 7, and 6. I lost 13 and him 12. I roll 5, 1, and 9. Totals: he has lost 24, and me 23. I roll 4, 8, 5. He has lost 38, and me 35. I roll a 4 and a 2. He has lost 42, and me 46. I roll a 7 and he is at 48, and me 49. I roll a 6 and he is at 53 and I am at 53. We both lose. This is not allowed. There are no rules for breaking the tie, so my first tiebreaker is whoever lost by more, but we are tied. Therefore, we will go to sudden death. One die throw. Whoever wins wins. I roll 5. We each lose 4. I roll again - 0. I win the tournament and the Silver Bow.

The crowd roars with a great finals tournament and they rush to celebrate me. I am tasked with making a speech, and I do so quickly and move to find Cyrilus to tell him about my good luck.

The Silver Bow of Duadon counts as a weapon-like special weapon. When I fire an arrow and am asked to pick a number, I can always add 3 if I use the Silver Bow of Duadon. Since I have Weaponmastery with a Bow, I add an extra 3, for 6.
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