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Old 11-20-2009, 11:38 PM   #378
Join Date: Oct 2000
Nuggets just getting raped tonight. Things were going well in the first quarter, then Kenyon chewed out a ref over a horrific call. After that, the Nuggets just stopped getting anything.

This is the perfect example of a game where the total fouls don't tell the story. Melo drives and gets hammered, still hits the shot and it cuts the lead to 14. Thornton cuts, gets blocked from behind by Melo, clean as day and the ref from teh three point line calls a foul. Karl finally had enough and took a T. I thought Karl was going to punch the ref for a second. Can't believe he's still in the game.

If I had to bet money, the Nuggets will get every call in the fourth quarter to "even" things up. But they are too far behind and will certainly lose this game.

Lest you think I'm putting this all on the refs, Telfair, Thornton and Butler have all had terrific games. And outside of Melo, no other Nuggets perimeter player is hitting shots. Denver would likely be down in this game without going up against two teams, but it'd sure be nice to find out.

edit: As I typed the post, Karl almost got his second T. A ridiculous touch foul on Davis gets called. Nuggets players just laughing at this point.

Last edited by TroyF : 11-20-2009 at 11:39 PM.
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