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Old 11-19-2009, 11:47 PM   #25
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
There are vile gases and noxious fumes, plus this nasty thorn called graveweed that tears into my clothes and flesh. As I move around, the ground suddenly collapses and I fall!

I fell 15 feet but am just winded. I appear to be in an underground tomb. I can’t climb out. There is a sarcophagus here, and an arched tunnel out. I can open the sarcophagus, leave by the tunnel, or use Sixth Sense.

I use it and it tells me this place is very, uber evil. I flee quickly. The walls are dank, slimy. The air is stale and the cobwebs thick. I reach a junction and can choose either north or south. I go south, which should be towards Holmgard.

I enter a room with a strange greenish light illuminating everything. There is a granite throne here. In front of it is a winged serpent curled in the shape of a S. I can sit in the throne, observe the serpent, or look for an exit.

I decide to look for an exit, but there is no way of opening the stone portal I found. I head back. Sit on the throne or inspect the serpent? This smells of a trap. Do one, and the door opens. Do the other, and something bad happens. I decide to sit on the throne, because it seems the more unlikely thing to do, and therefore less likely to be punished. The serpent slowly moves forward and opens its mouth, dropping a Golden Key on my lap. The exit opens and I move through it.

Another portal opens as I approach after a few minutes, and then snaps closed behind me as I move through it. The corridor opens up into a big hallway, and I find a stone staircase going up. Up! I move up and find a giant door at the top, with a weird locking mechanism. There is a keyhole, there is also a key pin. I can:

Use Mind Over Matter
Pull the Pin
Insert the Golden Key

I use the Key.

I hear a click - it works. The door will not open, so I pull the pin. Now it opens. The half-light of the Graveyard greets me, and the mist begins to swirl at my feet. There is a lot of graveweed at this long disused entrance, and I get cut in many places. As I move out I hear a sinister laugh from the necropolis and I run as fast as I can the rest of the way.
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