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Old 11-18-2009, 12:44 PM   #24
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Buffalo, NY
Seriously, as sickeningly money-grubbing as GW is they go about making it in the absolutely stupidest way possible.

You want to triple your profits? cut your prices by 25%, make models for your "unsupported games" like Mordheim, necromunda, and Blood Bowl" and actually "support" the games you make by updating and revising the problematic rules and issues those games have.

Of any Hobby/gaming company I've dealt with, GW blatantly is the only one that sits back and says "Fuck Off" to its entire customer base and then raises the prices on their products on top of it.

And they wonder why people turn to things like Ebay and discount online shopping?

Fucking morons.
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