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Old 11-17-2009, 09:12 PM   #423
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Michigan
Originally Posted by Honolulu_Blue View Post
Brendan Shanahan has officially retired. Next stop, the Hall of Fame.

I loved Brendan Shanahan. He was a great player, a premiere power forward for many years and really smart, good guy.

The day the Wings traded for him still goes down as one of the most exciting days I've ever had as a sports fan. I remember hearing about the trade on the radio as I was driving home from work and all the rumors about how Shanahan was on a plane headed to Detroit and all of this. I just sat in the car my driveway listening to it all, bouncing around in the seat of my car and punching the roof. He was the missing piece. The big, tough skilled forward the Wings had lacked for years. He fought someone on Edmoton on his first shift that night and then went on to help Detroit win 3 Stanley Cups.

That day was nuts. I remember a Limo driver breaking the story on Stoney's show on WDFN I believe.

Shanny played 9 years in Detroit, and it seemed like it was so much fewer then that. Time really has flown by.
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