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Old 11-11-2009, 03:53 PM   #281
Join Date: Oct 2000
Originally Posted by RainMaker View Post
I think the Nuggets should have won due to the fact I think it's impossibe for them to grab a rebound and call timeout in 0.3 seconds. But I don't think that shot should be overturned as it was simply too close and not indisputable evidence in the two minutes the refs are allowed to use.

The first part is a rule. If a rebounder catches the ball cleanly, .3 goes off the clock.

As far as the second, I'll say it one more time, get the call right. Look at every angle. Look at every replay. Take 5 minutes or 10. When you are done, make sure the right call was made.

I want to make sure I understand what you are saying here. Are you saying that you'd want the Bulls to win a game simply because the replay booth couldn't get the right angle to the refs in 2 minutes? That you'd rather have the Bulls win a game when a replay angle clearly showed they shouldn't have won?

If that's your opinion, I'm ok with it. I'm also very much against it. The refs got the call right in this case. That's all I care about. I don't care if it's the Lakers, Celtics, Nuggets, Bulls or Magic involved. Take your time and make the correct call.
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