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Old 11-02-2009, 05:04 PM   #32
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Surfside Beach,SC USA
have to say that they need to move on from the "oh my god, we need water/power/food or we're gonna die" storylines now that the show is a few episodes old. was an OK episode this week, liked that they brought back the creature that was in the earlier episode. And you just knew that security guy was a "red-shirt" when that was the first time he appeared in an episode. They have to be careful about killing people off on this show-since there are no replacements coming from Earth, makes it less believable if they kill off a "red-shirt" every couple of weeks.

Not liking what I saw in the preview of Lou Diamond Phillips character taking over as the commander. He hasn't been very likeable on this show so far.
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