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Old 10-01-2009, 03:09 PM   #1176
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2002
Originally Posted by dawgfan View Post
Unless you're talking about the Yankees or possibly the Red Sox, salary is a consideration because your favorite team has a limited budged - what Ibanez makes helps determine the rest of the Phillies' roster.

Of course salary is "always" a consideration. Even as Greg pointed out, the Yankees and Red Sox are starting to tighten their belts.

But, the argument here was whether the amount the Phillies paid for Ibanez's production would compensate for the cost savings by adding Burrell for the same amount.

Ibanez = approx. 13 million per year for life of deal
Burrell = approx. 8 million per year for life of deal.

Now taking into account the production which Ibanez provided above and beyond what Burrell did, I'm sure the $5 million more cost justifies that.

Further, I still stand by the argument that the difference in production gave the Phillies about ten or more so games won than without Ibanez. Heck, there are games in April/May which he single-handedly won for the team.

If no Ibanez = no playoffs, that also equals no playoff dollars which also help off-set the cost.

In short, I think its funny when fans complain about the dollars that their team spends unless they are (1) small market teams, or (2) A-Rod/Zito/etc. type free agent deals.

People were portraying the Ibanez deal in this thread as if it equaled Soriano/Zito/etc. deals. As seen above, it clearly does not fall into that category.
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