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Old 09-12-2009, 11:52 AM   #318
High School Varsity
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Saskatchewan
Originally Posted by Chief Rum View Post
I don't have my contacts in yet, so the small writing really sucks for me.

Okay, I knew I was going to wait until today to vote. The purpose is to hopefully gain more insight into the candidates. The bad part of it is, you might get drawn into a one on one in which neither candidate is really someone you lean toward thinking is a wolf.

If I was voting without considering the count, I would probably vote Pass. He has dropped two virtual hit and run votes. The first one literally was, the second was because "Schmidty is a whiner". Huh? What kinda bull is that? Even if it's true (I love you, too, Schmidty ).

But if I vote Pass, I am avoiding the Telle-KWhit dynamic that has developed. Right now, I believe Telle is in the lead. Since Pass voted for Telle the other day, I am more inclined to think Telle is good.

So even though (I believe) it puts us in a tie, I will vote KWhit. I think he is more likely to be a wolf. Plus, I figure it will give lerriuqs a chance to show us something with his vote, or to see if anyone will step out to make a difference in the vote.


I like what you've got here Chief and I have a few thoughts of my own about today. I really don't like how quickly this turned into a two horse race with no serious consideration of other options. And the dynamic pushing this race hasn't been explained and is anything but clear IMO. In face it's downright wolfy. I think we have two villagers on the block. Don't know why - it's just a feeling I get.

With that said, I think Telle is likely to be a wolf as well.

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